Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Misplaced Blame

Generally speaking... In over 75 years of Israel's aim to steal Palestine, and get rid of the resisting Palestinians, there has been a LOT of destructive misplaced blame. I've already addressed most of it. But a new round of it has been happening in some of the news reports on the pro-Palestinian protests here in the USA. The reports have sometimes not shared the hateful pro-Israel mobs attacking or harassing and provoking or possibly even infiltrating the Palestinian side, just to cause problems. Some reports have only blamed the Palestine side's negative reactions, like Israel has been doing for over 75 years in Palestine. And on the flip side, the police have sometimes been the ones who are blamed, when its the people who unnecessarily called them, or the people who instigated problems, who are to blame. But even some of those who unnecessarily called the police, may have been misinformed or may have just been scared...etc. Some of the protesters realized this, when they chanted to the police, "There is no riot here. Why were you invited here?" Over-all; my gut feeling is that the pro-Palestinian protesters have needed more compassionate understanding than they have gotten. 

I hope more heart - more compassion and more understanding and more of the real truths are brought into this whole situation, for everyone's sake.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

In the Foundation of Israel

I shared this realization long ago, but am reiterating it, in case it was altered or erased during web or computer infiltrations. There appears to be more than this to Israel's war against Palestine and the Palestinian people - it appears to also include greed...etc. But in the foundation of Israel is the following scenario...

According to my research, and what I feel to be true, Israel was actually created by the Zionists in 1948, not by the Jewish people. And the "Zionists" actually came from a group of christians whose purpose was to assimilate the Jewish and other people into their own form of christianity. The Zionists gathered the Jewish people into Palestine, in order to assimilate them and use them to steal Palestine from the Arab natives. In reality, this is how the state of Israel was created in Palestine.
   So, in reality; Israel is actually not "the Jewish State," and is the christian Zionist state, because it is the Zionists who created it and have had complete control of it. The result appears to have been the suppression and christianization of much of the original Jewish religion, and the enslavement or manipulation of masses of Jewish people who have been (and still are being) used to murder masses of resisting Palestinians and terrorize the rest into leaving Palestine. This has been being done since the 1940s. In this process, it appears that Israel's Jewish immigrants have been brainwashed into thinking that the Palestinians are all "antisemitic squatters who want to kill off all the Jews," even though this is not true. The periodic violence, performed by some of the resisting Palestinians, has merely been retaliations against Israel’s far worse violence and Israel's illegal invasions and Israel's theft of, or destruction of, the homes and businesses and lands that the Palestinians have owned through many centuries. The Palestinians have also been fighting for their lives, literally - for their right to exist and remain in their own homeland of Palestine. Some have done wrong after being treated so horribly for so long, because this is common human nature. The remedy is to stop invading them and stop stealing from them and stop killing their loved ones - stop hurting and wounding them until they resort to violently striking back. And stop blaming them for striking back, instead of blaming the violent invader - Israel.
   Israel's violent and illegal invasions are still happening today, in what now remains of Palestine - in the West Bank and Gaza, under the guise of it being a "war against terrorism," even though the most terroristic behaviors have been being performed by Israel for over 75 years now, according to documented historical fact.
   Killing off masses of Native Palestinians, and terrorizing the rest into leaving, should NOT make the Zionist's assimilated "Jewish" immigrants a legal majority in Palestine, but it did in the eyes of the laws that were created to support such atrocities. So, Israel has been doing this to the Palestinians since the 1940s. Its all just so unethical and cruel and wrong that its no wonder why some of the Palestinians have been angrily fighting back, and its no wonder why masses of people (all around the globe) are protesting for freedom for Palestine and for Israel's hateful thieving violence to stop being supported.
   Its shocking that Israel's behaviors are still being supported by the current leaders of many countries and that the aware United Nations and other Human Rights organizations have not been able to take actions that completely set Palestine free. It appears that there are a lot of Zionists in positions of power around the globe, which is why Palestine has still not gotten the help it has desperately needed and should have had since the early 1940s. I wonder how many of these Zionists have been brainwashed by their own leaders - how many are free thinkers and how many are enslaved puppets that are just being used? Either way, if only they would all find their hearts and stop Israel's violent and deceitful 75 year long evil aim to destroy Palestine and get rid of the Palestinian people. If only they and their leaders would realize and respect the fact that...


According to what I see; the deceitful and horribly destructive christian assimilations and the violent thefts of lands in Palestine, and in many other places around the globe, have set the evolution of humanity back to a massive degree. It must be fully exposed and stopped so that healing and peace can take place, for everyone.
   Since some of the leaders in the USA and Canada have publicly apologized for the abusive assimilation and mis-treatment of our Native American people, there is a Light that now shines into this long and very dark/evil christian assimilation tunnel. Please help this Light to grow for the Jewish people and the Palestinian people and all others who are in need of it, including the christians and the greedy land thieves who need to learn better ways.

Please support peace and healing instead of the deceptive wars against people like the Palestinians who are victims of many decades of mass murders and inhumane treatment and illegal occupation/theft...etc.

If the Palestinians had been treated fairly - with just common levels of kindness and consideration and respect for there lives and their homes and businesses and the lands they had owned for many hundreds of years, they would have nothing to violently react against. Please think about this and stop blaming the wounded and reacting victims of Israel's horrid crimes in Palestine. If brutal murderous violence performed against innocent people is what we call "terrorism," then Israeli officials and the IDF and many of Israel's intrusive violent "settlers" and all aware Israeli supporters have been the worse terrorists of all, by far, since the 1940s.
   Is it not time for Israel's dysfunctional projecting, of its own violent and terroristic and prejudice and hateful and evil behaviors, onto the Palestinians, to be fully realized (worldwide) so that it stops deceiving people into supporting the wrong side? It just has to be, for the sake of what is left of Palestine as well as the rest of humanity, because Palestine is not nearly the only place where these sorts of scenarios have been freely continuing and succeeding for too long. Please help spread the word.

P.S. The ways of the worse types of evil, often shoves its victims into poverty, forces them to be dependent on them, and then intentionally deprives or hurts or enslaves them. It lies to make people think that it's victims are the ones who are the bad guys. It wears a fake mask of goodness, sometimes even Godliness. It openly projects its own terroristic or thieving or abusive or hateful or prejudice or insane or greedy behaviors onto its victims. It manipulates and brainwashes people against its victims. It targets the loved ones of its victims, in order to either manipulate them against the victim or to wound, torture or kill them just to make the victim suffer...etc. This is what Israel has been doing to the Palestinian people for over seventy five years now, and it is also what has been being done to long term targeted families and individuals around the globe. This is actually a global problem and certain types of brain numbing pharmaceuticals and radiowave technologies have been being used to control and manipulate masses of people. Our awareness can help it to lose it's power and be stopped. Please help spread the word, in order to form global PEACEFUL resistance.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Attacked for Standing up for Pro-Palestinian Protesters

I've not done much on the web since my father's death. But on May 1st I left a large batch of comments and a blog post about the pro-Israeli people attacking and provoking the Pro-Palestinian protesters at USA universities. On May 2nd and May 3rd, I was attacked with laser or microwave weapons. One attack rendered me unconscious for a couple hours, and the other left me with swelling and pain on the right side of my head. I do not believe that this was caused by a natural illness, because of the timing of it and because I got a warning of severe danger just before I was attacked yesterday. Today I am still struggling with the residual effects or possibly continued microwaving. I pray for my safety too. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Pro-Israeli Mob Attacks Palestinian Protesters at USA University

Most of the pro-Palestinian protests have been very peaceful. But lately some appear to be being attacked by pro-Israel mobs and some continue to be provoked into violent reactions. This fighting is so sad and wrong. Do the pro-Israeli people think they can get away with this sort of hateful violence here in America as well as in Palestine? Hopefully they will not continue to get away with it anywhere, especially when all the focus ends up on blaming the Palestinians for reacting to the violence. Hopefully they will find their hearts.
   Our Palestinian students (and their friends) surely feel the pain of their relatives and friends being killed in Gaza. The pro-Israeli students should just leave them alone. They have a right to stand up for the freedom and safety of Palestine and the Palestinian people. For most of them, this is all that they can do.
  Have you ever had relatives or close friends who lived in a place that was being bombed and taken over? Do you know how it feels to not be able to do anything for them, except stand up and publicly beg for their freedom and for their lives to be saved? I hope officials will help to consol their pain and fear and keep the protests peaceful. If only the global leaders of Israel's war against Palestine and the Palestinian people would do the opposite and choose peace and freedom for ALL people.