Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Israel is Really the Zionist State

The Zionists have boasted of Israel being the "Jewish state" and this has set people up to blame the "Jewish" for what Israel has been doing to the Palestinian people. Then if we blame those "Jewish" people, it is called being "antisemitic," although its about their behaviors and has nothing to do with them actually being "Jewish."
   Before I realized the Zionist's leadership in Israel, I thought it was just the Israel's Jewish people who were targeting the Palestinians. We do need to be careful to not fall into the set up to blame just "the Jewish" people like I did in the beginning, before I realized that its the Zionists who created and control Israel and who lead the targeting of the Palestinians.

They call Israel the "Jewish" state,
but its really the Zionist state.

One thing I want to make clear; no matter how I've worded things; I have never been prejudice against Jewish people or any other race, and I am sure not starting to be now. People should not use "prejudice" or "antisemitic" labels, in order to attack those of us who stand up against the abuse or crimes. People, no matter what race, are responsible for their behaviors. Just because a person or group is "Jewish" or "Black"...etc., does not mean that nobody else has a right to say or do anything about the wrongs they have done or are doing.

P.S.   It should go without saying that not ALL Jewish people are responsible for what the "Jewish state of Israel" has done to Palestine and the Palestinian people. I guess we should be more specific in our wording, for people who can't differentiate or who tend the blame every individual in that place or group. 

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