Monday, September 16, 2024

Shocking Continuation of the Destruction of Palestine and the Palestinian People

The fact that Israel, and its supporters, still freely continue to destroy Palestine and the Palestinian people, even though over 75 years of documented historical facts, show Israel to be the one in the wrong - the one who is the violent invading "occupier"... is really shocking. Its VERY scary that this sort of evil has such free reign in our world, and that it blames its victims for what it has done or instigated.

An Objective View of Hamas

 Drop Site News on Hamas's View of Oct 7th

Thursday, June 13, 2024

No More...

No more suffering. No more wars.
No more Locks on Freedom's Door.

The Palestinian children who see Israel's violent massacres; They are way to young to witness such atrocities... not that any human being ever isn't.

A Song About Freedom

I found the following song very Heart touching, as I listened to it after my father's recent death. But, today, as I listen to it I think of myself and what is left of the Palestinian people. For myself it is a reminder of the Light that exists at the end of the tunnel - the Heaven that my Soul/Spirit will go to when my body dies. It helps me to be stronger, because I know that the difficulties I face will not last forever, even if they are not overcome in my lifetime. And I imagine that the suffering Palestinian people, in Gaza and the West Bank and beyond, can relate to such a way of thinking even more than most of the rest of us can. So...

I am dedicating, my revised version of this song, to what remains of the Palestinian people. I hope it reaches their Hearts. The parts that are in brackets are the parts I've changed, in order to support healthy grieving, and in order for this song to fit what is now happening in Gaza. (Ironically, "Jordon" is the word that I replaced with "Gaza," which fits some of the Palestinian people.) But I want it to fit more of them, so this is how I have sung it, in my head. I hope the surviving Palestinian and other Arab people let themselves fully grieve - fully let go of the emotional pain and trauma, so that Israel's evil forces do not succeed with hardening their Hearts too much...

Tears fall as I imagine the Spirits of over thirty thousand murdered Palestinians; all the innocent little children, and all the innocent parents, and all the brave "martyrs" who tried to stop Israel's 75+ year violent invasion... all standing, on that mountain in Heaven, singing these words to God/Allah, the loved ones they left behind, and their precious Palestine. And I imagine God/Allah taking their hands to walk them into the Light...

Lead me Home
written by Randy Houser, Craig Monday

"I have seen my last tomorrow. I am holding my last breath.
Good-bye sweet world of sorrow. My new life begins with death.
I am standing on the mountain. I can hear the angel song.
I am reaching over [Gaza]. Take my hand, Lord, lead me Home.
All my burdens are behind me. I have prayed my final prayer.
[You should] cry over my body, [but know] that aint me... lying there.
I am standing on the mountain. I can hear the angel song.
I am reaching over [Gaza.] Take my hand, Lord, lead me Home."

My apologies to those who wrote this song. I have a habit of changing words in songs, in order to make them fit my situation. I mean no disrespect. The original song is truly a great song, just the way it is. It just didn't fit my focus.

The original song is on the following address, I do not link it because there is one part that does not fully support the needed healthy grieving process. If you listen to it please remember that its OK to cry - crying is what washes away the pain and prevents our Hearts from being blocked by the supression of it. I imagine that the part of this song that says "don't you cry over my body" is probably just another way of saying, 'don't cry for me because I am now free,' and then does not mention that we should cry/grieve for those who have suffered and those who are left behind, just because the song writer's primary focus was not on the full grieving process. This is a powerful song that is sung with such genuine passion that it touches Hearts. It has touched mine in multiple ways. I hope it touches yours too.

Remember that ITS OK TO CRY - CRYING IS LIKE GIVING THE HEART A SHOWER TO WASH AWAY ACCUMULATED DIRT. I cry for those who have suffered and those who have lost loved ones and myself. Everyone's feelings matter.

Jamey Johnson - Lead Me Home (Live at Farm Aid 2021)

Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Misplaced Blame

Generally speaking... In over 75 years of Israel's aim to steal Palestine, and get rid of the resisting Palestinians, there has been a LOT of destructive misplaced blame. I've already addressed most of it. But a new round of it has been happening in some of the news reports on the pro-Palestinian protests here in the USA. The reports have sometimes not shared the hateful pro-Israel mobs attacking or harassing and provoking or possibly even infiltrating the Palestinian side, just to cause problems. Some reports have only blamed the Palestine side's negative reactions, like Israel has been doing for over 75 years in Palestine. And on the flip side, the police have sometimes been the ones who are blamed, when its the people who unnecessarily called them, or the people who instigated problems, who are to blame. But even some of those who unnecessarily called the police, may have been misinformed or may have just been scared...etc. Some of the protesters realized this, when they chanted to the police, "There is no riot here. Why were you invited here?" Over-all; my gut feeling is that the pro-Palestinian protesters have needed more compassionate understanding than they have gotten. 

I hope more heart - more compassion and more understanding and more of the real truths are brought into this whole situation, for everyone's sake.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

In the Foundation of Israel

I shared this realization long ago, but am reiterating it, in case it was altered or erased during web or computer infiltrations. There appears to be more than this to Israel's war against Palestine and the Palestinian people - it appears to also include greed...etc. But in the foundation of Israel is the following scenario...

According to my research, and what I feel to be true, Israel was actually created by the Zionists in 1948, not by the Jewish people. And the "Zionists" actually came from a group of christians whose purpose was to assimilate the Jewish and other people into their own form of christianity. The Zionists gathered the Jewish people into Palestine, in order to assimilate them and use them to steal Palestine from the Arab natives. In reality, this is how the state of Israel was created in Palestine.
   So, in reality; Israel is actually not "the Jewish State," and is the christian Zionist state, because it is the Zionists who created it and have had complete control of it. The result appears to have been the suppression and christianization of much of the original Jewish religion, and the enslavement or manipulation of masses of Jewish people who have been (and still are being) used to murder masses of resisting Palestinians and terrorize the rest into leaving Palestine. This has been being done since the 1940s. In this process, it appears that Israel's Jewish immigrants have been brainwashed into thinking that the Palestinians are all "antisemitic squatters who want to kill off all the Jews," even though this is not true. The periodic violence, performed by some of the resisting Palestinians, has merely been retaliations against Israel’s far worse violence and Israel's illegal invasions and Israel's theft of, or destruction of, the homes and businesses and lands that the Palestinians have owned through many centuries. The Palestinians have also been fighting for their lives, literally - for their right to exist and remain in their own homeland of Palestine. Some have done wrong after being treated so horribly for so long, because this is common human nature. The remedy is to stop invading them and stop stealing from them and stop killing their loved ones - stop hurting and wounding them until they resort to violently striking back. And stop blaming them for striking back, instead of blaming the violent invader - Israel.
   Israel's violent and illegal invasions are still happening today, in what now remains of Palestine - in the West Bank and Gaza, under the guise of it being a "war against terrorism," even though the most terroristic behaviors have been being performed by Israel for over 75 years now, according to documented historical fact.
   Killing off masses of Native Palestinians, and terrorizing the rest into leaving, should NOT make the Zionist's assimilated "Jewish" immigrants a legal majority in Palestine, but it did in the eyes of the laws that were created to support such atrocities. So, Israel has been doing this to the Palestinians since the 1940s. Its all just so unethical and cruel and wrong that its no wonder why some of the Palestinians have been angrily fighting back, and its no wonder why masses of people (all around the globe) are protesting for freedom for Palestine and for Israel's hateful thieving violence to stop being supported.
   Its shocking that Israel's behaviors are still being supported by the current leaders of many countries and that the aware United Nations and other Human Rights organizations have not been able to take actions that completely set Palestine free. It appears that there are a lot of Zionists in positions of power around the globe, which is why Palestine has still not gotten the help it has desperately needed and should have had since the early 1940s. I wonder how many of these Zionists have been brainwashed by their own leaders - how many are free thinkers and how many are enslaved puppets that are just being used? Either way, if only they would all find their hearts and stop Israel's violent and deceitful 75 year long evil aim to destroy Palestine and get rid of the Palestinian people. If only they and their leaders would realize and respect the fact that...


According to what I see; the deceitful and horribly destructive christian assimilations and the violent thefts of lands in Palestine, and in many other places around the globe, have set the evolution of humanity back to a massive degree. It must be fully exposed and stopped so that healing and peace can take place, for everyone.
   Since some of the leaders in the USA and Canada have publicly apologized for the abusive assimilation and mis-treatment of our Native American people, there is a Light that now shines into this long and very dark/evil christian assimilation tunnel. Please help this Light to grow for the Jewish people and the Palestinian people and all others who are in need of it, including the christians and the greedy land thieves who need to learn better ways.

Please support peace and healing instead of the deceptive wars against people like the Palestinians who are victims of many decades of mass murders and inhumane treatment and illegal occupation/theft...etc.

If the Palestinians had been treated fairly - with just common levels of kindness and consideration and respect for there lives and their homes and businesses and the lands they had owned for many hundreds of years, they would have nothing to violently react against. Please think about this and stop blaming the wounded and reacting victims of Israel's horrid crimes in Palestine. If brutal murderous violence performed against innocent people is what we call "terrorism," then Israeli officials and the IDF and many of Israel's intrusive violent "settlers" and all aware Israeli supporters have been the worse terrorists of all, by far, since the 1940s.
   Is it not time for Israel's dysfunctional projecting, of its own violent and terroristic and prejudice and hateful and evil behaviors, onto the Palestinians, to be fully realized (worldwide) so that it stops deceiving people into supporting the wrong side? It just has to be, for the sake of what is left of Palestine as well as the rest of humanity, because Palestine is not nearly the only place where these sorts of scenarios have been freely continuing and succeeding for too long. Please help spread the word.

P.S. The ways of the worse types of evil, often shoves its victims into poverty, forces them to be dependent on them, and then intentionally deprives or hurts or enslaves them. It lies to make people think that it's victims are the ones who are the bad guys. It wears a fake mask of goodness, sometimes even Godliness. It openly projects its own terroristic or thieving or abusive or hateful or prejudice or insane or greedy behaviors onto its victims. It manipulates and brainwashes people against its victims. It targets the loved ones of its victims, in order to either manipulate them against the victim or to wound, torture or kill them just to make the victim suffer...etc. This is what Israel has been doing to the Palestinian people for over seventy five years now, and it is also what has been being done to long term targeted families and individuals around the globe. This is actually a global problem and certain types of brain numbing pharmaceuticals and radiowave technologies have been being used to control and manipulate masses of people. Our awareness can help it to lose it's power and be stopped. Please help spread the word, in order to form global PEACEFUL resistance.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Attacked for Standing up for Pro-Palestinian Protesters

I've not done much on the web since my father's death. But on May 1st I left a large batch of comments and a blog post about the pro-Israeli people attacking and provoking the Pro-Palestinian protesters at USA universities. On May 2nd and May 3rd, I was attacked with laser or microwave weapons. One attack rendered me unconscious for a couple hours, and the other left me with swelling and pain on the right side of my head. I do not believe that this was caused by a natural illness, because of the timing of it and because I got a warning of severe danger just before I was attacked yesterday. Today I am still struggling with the residual effects or possibly continued microwaving. I pray for my safety too. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Pro-Israeli Mob Attacks Palestinian Protesters at USA University

Most of the pro-Palestinian protests have been very peaceful. But lately some appear to be being attacked by pro-Israel mobs and some continue to be provoked into violent reactions. This fighting is so sad and wrong. Do the pro-Israeli people think they can get away with this sort of hateful violence here in America as well as in Palestine? Hopefully they will not continue to get away with it anywhere, especially when all the focus ends up on blaming the Palestinians for reacting to the violence. Hopefully they will find their hearts.
   Our Palestinian students (and their friends) surely feel the pain of their relatives and friends being killed in Gaza. The pro-Israeli students should just leave them alone. They have a right to stand up for the freedom and safety of Palestine and the Palestinian people. For most of them, this is all that they can do.
  Have you ever had relatives or close friends who lived in a place that was being bombed and taken over? Do you know how it feels to not be able to do anything for them, except stand up and publicly beg for their freedom and for their lives to be saved? I hope officials will help to consol their pain and fear and keep the protests peaceful. If only the global leaders of Israel's war against Palestine and the Palestinian people would do the opposite and choose peace and freedom for ALL people.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Wisdom's Beacon for Freedom

I wrote this book to help humanity through the tough times we are now faced with in our troubled world. Through buying and sharing it you will be helping me and yourself as well as others....

Wisdom's Beacon for Freedom

Monday, April 22, 2024


It should be illegal to slyly instigate violent retaliations, in order to "declare war," and for the declaration of "war" to enable murders and the terrorizing of masses of people and the theft of people's homes and businesses and lands...etc., like what was done, in order to create Israel in Palestine and is still being doing now, in Palestine.  (Not to mention the other places that this scenario has been happening in.)   
   It is VERY obvious who is really the "terroristic" bully in the Palestine situation, and its shocking that Israel's hell freely continues and is still being supported by so much of humanity. I still feel that the pharmaceutical and radio wave mind control must be partly responsible for so many people supporting Israel's evil destruction of Palestine and the Palestinian people. How else could so many people be so blind and so heartless and so complicit?

God, help the Palestinians to be completely free of the hate and greed and cruel manipulations and violent behaviors in ALL of the involved Israeli leaders and military and settlers....and for the rest of the world to also be free of such evil and manipulative behaviors.

Our world should be being set in peace, with absolutely no exceptions to the rights of freedom and justice and safety for ALL.

P.S. It appears that the latest Israeli instigation of "war" happened when high ranking Iranian officials were murdered in a bombing. This provoked Iran into a violent retaliation against Israel. Now Israel claims the right to "declare war" on Iran! When will the hell end? It should have ended by now.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Refraining from Generalizing

  I was aiming to edit these writings, before my father died and hell broke loose in my family. Now I am getting back to it. But as I aim to correct some of my mistakes I realized that I have also generalized way too much. In my writings I wrote things like "Israel" did this or "the Zionists" did that....etc. In this situation I had also done this with "the Jewish," because Israel has been being referred to as "the Jewish state." When I generalize like this, in my mind and heart I know that its never ALL the people in that group or country, who are involved in the crimes, and I assume that other people think the same way. But I think that many people do not think this way; when they hear, "The Zionists did it" they are apt to blame every individual who is or was a Zionist. And, unfortunately, some blamers are too heartless to not treat people badly. 

    So.... I am working at not generalizing in my writings, but I still may make mistakes, especially when I'm overwhelmed. (Bad habits sometimes die hard.) So I hope those of you, who read mine and other people's writings, will realize that; even in groups like "the Zionists," which have been responsible for intrusively creating Israel in Palestine and gathering the Jewish people there and killing and displacing masses of Palestinians...etc., there are probably some Zionists who do not realize the bad intentions or bad behaviors of some of the others. We should never blame every individual in a group, even when the group, in general, is responsible for bad things.  And we should NEVER be mean to people even when they have done wrong. Striking back is NOT the way to fix things.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The core Problem

I still fully believe that pharmaceutical and technological (radio wave) mind control is the core problem around Palestine's 75+ year long plight and Israel having so much support to continue its manipulative, violent thieving occupation in Palestine, as well as being the core problem in many other situations around the globe. It must be stopped, so that humanity can be set free and heal and live in peace.

Short Core Problem Paper

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Call for Sanctions Against Israel, in order to End the Violent Wars in the Middle East

The bottom line is that Iran and Hamas would not be striking back at Israel if Israel were not violently provoking them and if Israel were not engaged in an illegal occupation of Palestinian lands. Israel's violence must be stopped and I hope it is stopped without more murderous violence. I hope the UN stops going in circles with talks and quickly imposes severe sanctions on Israel, until it sets Palestine free and completely stops its violence against the Palestinians and other Arabs, which has been going on for over 75 years now - since the Zionists started stealing Palestine. Enough is enough! The one who keeps throwing the first punch is the one who must be restrained. This way the others have no reason to strike back. Israels illegal occupation and violence must be stopped! And the people who support Israel's manipulative thieving violence should find their hearts and support FREEDOM AND PEACE FOR ALL. 

When Will the Barbaric Violent Wars Stop?

When will humanity grow up enough to stop the violent and vengeful and greedy and prejudice fighting? When? I guess it will be when it is free to heal and use it's Heart. If only the leaders and supporters of places like Israel would find their hearts and learn how to be considerate of other people's lives and lands...etc.

Israel Manipulating more of its Arab Enemies into attacking...?

It looks to me, like Israel intentionally provoked Iran's retaliatory attack so that it could use it as an excuse to do more mass destruction in Iran. Israel's evil manipulative destruction of Palestine, other Arab territories and the Arab people, through the past 75 years, must be stopped! 😥

Israel's air defense system has not faced attack of this magnitude before

Iran on high alert for possible Israeli response: AJE correspondent

Sunday, April 7, 2024

A Shocking Continuation

Due to a death in my family, I have been taking a break from this. But I just checked in on reports and am shocked to see that its all still going in the same circles - that Israel is still freely continuing its evil destruction of Palestine and it's indigenous Arab population. It must be stopped. Israel and America, please set Palestine free!

The Solar Eclipse of 2024

Since Israel is involved in some of the prophesies connected with this eclipse, I am sharing this here...

The Solar Eclipse of 2024

Like usual, there are the fear mongering dooms day and dark religion based puppets, saying things like "this is the end times" and "red cows must be murdered to please the gods" and "Jesus is coming and God demands that we all follow Jesus or else...etc." And the sad part is that many people will believe it, especially those who are taking the instinct/intuition and heart numbing pharmaceuticals and those who are more completely enslaved.
   The truth is that the REAL God is the pure LOVE and LIGHT that is here for us no matter what path our FREE WILL decides to follow. In fact, we grow closer to God when we open and follow our own hearts, and we fall further away from God when we follow the fear mongers and join their flocks of "religious" sheep.

I believe that a natural energetic shift has indeed been taking place, but I feel that it is a positive one - one which will help bring an end to the darkest of times that we have ALREADY been passing through for about a century now, with the sly evil technological (radio wave) targeting of the Earth and its atmosphere, and with massive levels of pharmaceutical and parasite and radio wave targeting of humanity. Humanity must be set free.

Its time for things to finally get better. And this is what we should believe in, so that we can all do our part to make the positive shift as big as it can be.  


Imagine a giant beam of pure white Light shining down on the Earth to help us all heal our hearts so that we can live in peace and grow and heal together, the way humanity should be everywhere. Please do this, and all else that you can do, to help restore freedom and peace in humanity...

Please let your Hearts reach out to suffering people who are in need of help. And remember that genuine "help" is unconditional and is delivered in the ways that the struggling people want and need it. GOD'S HANDS WORK THROUGH OUR HEARTS, WE MUST DO OUR PART.

Can you help stop the evil forces from continuing to harm and enslave humanity and from continuing to harm the Earth and its atmosphere? If so please do, as peacefully as is possible.

Can you genuinely help people who are in need without it being for recognition or to feed your ego? If so, please do. If not, please find and heal your heart, especially if it is so blocked that you look down upon and judge the poor and struggling people who have been hurt too much. GOD'S HANDS WORK THROUGH OUR HEARTS, WE MUST DO OUR PART.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Youtube and Blog Infiltration

I recently found all of the videos erased from my playlist about what really happened on Oct 7th. And it appears that the address to it was replaced on the page on this blog. I share the link below. I have replaced some of the videos, but most were lost.

What Really Happened on Oct 7th?

Friday, January 26, 2024

ICJ Ruling in Africa vs. Israel Genocide Case

Good news. It appears that there is still some justice in our world. The ICJ is moving forward with the genocide case against Israel, and has ordered Israel to refrain from its genocidal actions. The judge did not use the words "cease fire," but said that Israel must stop killing and harming the Palestinians; "Israel must, in accordance with it obligations under the Genocide Convention, in regards to Palestinians in Gaza, take all measures within its power, to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of article two of the convention, in particular, A; Killing members of the group. B; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group..."

Gaza: Order in the case South Africa v. Israel
 | International Court of Justice (ICJ) - full

Friday, January 19, 2024

My Father's Suffering has Ended

My father passed away this afternoon. I feel relieved that he is no longer suffering and is free. The phrase, "He is now in a better place," applies doubly in this situation. But I grieve his life - his last few years, which were the complete opposite of what he had wanted and needed, and were filled with unnatural suffering. 😟